Past News
December, 2023
- New Publication: Forest carnivores living on the edge with invasive predators from the ever persistent Erin Wampole. Download. We found free-roaming dogs and cats interact with their surrounding environment (i.e., forest edge) to shape native carnivore species response differently than within interior forest.
November, 2023
Brian heads to the annual Wildlife Society conference to talk about a recent paper in Animal Conservation about the robustness of optimal decision making in the context of known-unknown meta-population dynamics.
New OA Publication: Diel activity structures the occurrence of a mammal community in a human-dominated landscape led by Amy Mayer from the University of Rhode Island. We found that mammals shift their use of spatial locations and the time of day they are active at these locations to adapt to landscapes with anthropogenic activity. Data and code can be found on Zenodo. The methods used to implement this modeling framework are outlined by Rivera et al. 2022 with code on Github.
September, 2023
- New Publication: Differential impacts of spruce beetle outbreaks on snowshoe hares and red squirrels in the southern Rocky Mountains led by Jake Ivan from the Colorado Parks and Wilddife. Download.
August, 2023
- Brian starts with the Colorado Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit with USGS at Colorado State University. Prior, I was an associate professor at the University of Rhode Island in the Department of Natural Resources Science.