Wildlife Ecology Modeling

Class Stuff

  • Instructor: Brian Gerber

  • Classroom: NR 243

    • Lecture/Lab/Discussion
  • When: Tu 11am - 12:15pm and Fr 10am - 1pm

  • My Office: 202A Wagar, Colorado Cooperative Research Unit

    • Office hours: TU 1:30pm - 2:30pm and by appointment

    • brian.gerber@colostate.edu

  • Computers: Bring laptop to class

    • Software/R Packages should be installed prior to lab (posted on website)
  • Registration:

    • 680A4 001 (CRN 77149) and 680A4 L01 (CRN 77150)

What is this course?

A mix of…

  • statistics
  • modeling
  • coding
  • math / notation
  • science philosophy
  • wildlife ecology and conservation


Assessment Components Percentage of Grade
Course Engagement 10%
Lab Assignments 40%
Discussions 10%
Quizzes 10%
Project 30%


  1. independent or group research project - highlighting a modeling application, data/code transparency, and communication of results

  2. group development of a lecture and lab case-study that showcases a statistical application relevant to wildlife ecology and conservation

Course Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:

  • think ‘statistically’

  • read quantitative ecology literature

  • write code to fit and interpret complex statistical models relevant to wildlife ecology and conservation

  • communicate statistical approaches and results

Why is this class useful?

  • Able to read modern ecological literature

  • Understand what you are doing when using data and models; coding/statistics/modeling are related but not the same

  • Statistical modeling and coding skills are highly marketable

  • Taking control of your analyses

  • Collaborate with colleagues/statisticians


Why learn to code?

  • efficiency
  • transparency
  • flexibility in application
  • shareable
  • marketable skill
  • needed for publications

Why use R?

  • open-source and free
  • small total user base / large in ecology and statistics
  • find help online, e.g., stackoverflow
  • data management
  • statistics
  • plotting / graphics

Why use RStudio?

Type of Modeling

  • parametric

  • probabilistic

  • generative

  • inferential and/or predictive

Statistics in the Modern Age

"The theory and practice of computer-age statistics are, for the most part, a case of new wine in old bottles: The fundamental tenets of good statistical thinking have not changed, but their implementation has."
- Cox and Efron, Sci. Adv. 2017;3: e1700768.

Coding in the Modern Age

  • Software changes all the time

  • Code will become obsolete

  • Base R functions change slower than packages

  • Document/Annotate code and publish it online

  • File management is important; use sub-folders

A Graduate Student’s Dilemma

You need to know….

  • field techniques
  • logistics / planning
  • people/advisor management
  • institutional bureaucracy
  • ecological theory
  • wildlife mgmt principles
  • conservation biology principles
  • study design
  • data management
  • public speaking
  • independent and team work
  • graphic/visual arts
  • ‘the literature’
  • the job market
  • how to write a manuscript/thesis
  • writing/sharing coding
  • statistical modeling


I do not know where you are starting

Our Aim

What model did you fit? Why? How?

Think Statistically


  • your objective in fitting a model

  • the model and its properties (not just the name)

  • how to interpret ALL the parameters

  • how the parameters are being optimized

  • and have justification for modeling decisions

    • requires reading literature
    • requires evaluating assumptions yourself

Why is statistics and ecological modeling so difficult?

My Background

My Background

Science Practice

I am a pragmatist

There are many ways to do great science

There are more ways to do meh science

Disciplines have conventions

There are foundations of scientific and statistical learning

Know the why of your decisions

Ask lots of questions to everybody all the time

Teaching Philosophy

  • Learning is a choice (in every movement)

  • An inclusive environment is paramount for learning

  • Communication is key

  • Everyone has something to teach and something to learn

  • Struggle is good. Solving problems leads to learning

  • BUT….



Class Questions


What does each panel do?

The language of R


A storage place for information; stored in the “Environment”

‘Attributes’ describes the structure or information of the object

The language of R


# y is an 'object' that is assigned the value 3
y = 3
[1] 3

The language of R


  • numeric
  • integer
  • character
  • factor


  • vector
  • matrix
  • array
  • list
  • dataframe
  • S3, S4, S5, and beyond

The language of R


‘does stuff’; creates or manipulates objects

‘Arguments’ are the types of things a function is asking for; the inputs

The language of R

object = function(argument1 = input1, argument1 = input2)

object = function(input1, input2)

this = sign(x = -5)

[1] -1
[1] 1

Some useful functions

for loops

for(i in 1:10){
  save.this[i] =  1-i

Some useful functions

Create your own function

my.mean.func = function(x){

[1] 4.333333

Some useful functions


mat= matrix(rnorm(100),nrow=10, ncol=10)

apply(mat, 2, FUN=median)
 [1] -0.22895129 -0.23543173  0.25250440 -0.05512031 -0.19921642 -0.06873026
 [7] -0.15605470  0.57359061  0.32028873  0.22507929
apply(mat, 2, FUN=function(x){
 [1] 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.3 0.3

Code Organization

  • Hierarchical code organization

    • code structure using indenting
    • top –> bottom execution

Help! My code doesn’t work

            for(s in 1:n.species){
    for(i in 1:nroutes){


# Create Storage objects

#loop over species    
  for(s in 1:n.species)
      cor.sp[s] = cor(patch.size20.species.scaled.mat.center.route[s,],
        # loop over species and routes                    
        for(i in 1:nroutes)
            temp1 = patch.size20.species.scaled.mat.center.route[s,which(route==route.id[i])]
            temp2 = patch.count20.species.scaled.mat.center.route[,][s,which(route==route.id[i])]
                                } #End if statement
          } #End routes loop
    } #End species loop